[3dem] Cryo electron microscopy/tomography faculty position at UVA

Zimmer, Jochen (jz3x) jz3x at virginia.edu
Mon Aug 14 13:46:01 PDT 2023

Dear All,

Just a friendly reminder about his exciting faculty opportunity at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. Reviews will commence in early September.

Jochen Zimmer


Dear EM Community,

I would like to bring to your attention an open faculty position (open rank) at the University of Virginia - School of Medicine. The Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics seeks to recruit an expert in cryo electron microscopy/tomography.

UVA has an exceptional cryo-EM core facility with exciting upgrades expected for this fall (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://med.virginia.edu/molecular-electron-microscopy-core/__;!!Mih3wA!FZI6V6YVH91yxTAL1xVfOD2f5G0UhM83N3hOK_cjoVROtXWyf9sQJqzCWrkZxEV-sslNsRb1G71b2altaEo$ ).


Jochen Zimmer


Open Rank Professor, Cryo Electron Microscopy/ Tomography

The Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics at the University of Virginia invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track faculty position in cryo electron microscopy. Applicants with expertise in cryo electron tomography are particularly encouraged to apply. The Department seeks to expand its strengths in structural, cardiovascular, cancer, membrane and chemical biology towards high resolution cryo electron microscopy/tomography of molecular complexes and cellular structures in situ. The Department is closely affiliated with UVA’s Molecular Electron Microscopy Core facility providing access to state-of-the art cryo-EM resources (Titan Krios and Glacios with Gatan K3 and Falcon 4 direct electron detectors, respectively, and F20 with CMOS camera). An Aquilos-2 cryo focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (cryo FIB-SEM) will be installed in the Fall 2023.

To apply, please visit


and search for Requisition Number R0032023. Review of applicants will begin in early September, 2023.


Jochen Zimmer, D. Phil.

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

University of Virginia

Molecular Physiology & Biol. Physics

480 Ray C. Hunt Dr.

Snyder Bldg. #380

Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA

Phone: +1 434 243 6506


From: Zimmer, Jochen (jz3x) <jz3x at virginia.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 3:55 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>
Subject: Cryo electron microscopy/tomography faculty position at UVA

Dear EM Community,

I would like to bring to your attention an open faculty position (open rank) at the University of Virginia - School of Medicine. The Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics seeks to recruit an expert in cryo electron microscopy/tomography.

UVA has an exceptional cryo-EM core facility with exciting upgrades expected for this fall (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://med.virginia.edu/molecular-electron-microscopy-core/__;!!Mih3wA!FZI6V6YVH91yxTAL1xVfOD2f5G0UhM83N3hOK_cjoVROtXWyf9sQJqzCWrkZxEV-sslNsRb1G71b2altaEo$ ).


Jochen Zimmer


Open Rank Professor, Cryo Electron Microscopy/ Tomography

The Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics at the University of Virginia invites applications for a tenured/tenure-track faculty position in cryo electron microscopy. Applicants with expertise in cryo electron tomography are particularly encouraged to apply. The Department seeks to expand its strengths in structural, cardiovascular, cancer, membrane and chemical biology towards high resolution cryo electron microscopy/tomography of molecular complexes and cellular structures in situ. The Department is closely affiliated with UVA’s Molecular Electron Microscopy Core facility providing access to state-of-the art cryo-EM resources (Titan Krios and Glacios with Gatan K3 and Falcon 4 direct electron detectors, respectively, and F20 with CMOS camera). An Aquilos-2 cryo focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (cryo FIB-SEM) will be installed in the Fall 2023.

To apply, please visit https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://uva.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/UVAJobs__;!!Mih3wA!FZI6V6YVH91yxTAL1xVfOD2f5G0UhM83N3hOK_cjoVROtXWyf9sQJqzCWrkZxEV-sslNsRb1G71bCTjqp88$  and search for Requisition Number R0032023. Review of applicants will begin in early September, 2023.


Jochen Zimmer, D. Phil.

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

University of Virginia

Molecular Physiology & Biol. Physics

480 Ray C. Hunt Dr.

Snyder Bldg. #380

Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA

Phone: +1 434 243 6506

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