[3dem] EER home-made?

Stahlberg Henning henning.stahlberg at epfl.ch
Thu Oct 27 06:25:22 PDT 2022

Does anybody know if there is a public domain software available that can translate an EM image into a list of electron event recordings (EER file), assuming the image is mostly black and has only a hand-full of electron impacts on it?
Obviously, that should at least run on a GPU, if not more specialized hardware. Dark-field, flat-field and PSF should be refined on the fly.

Henning Stahlberg
Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy
Institute of Physics, School of Basic Sciences, EPFL, and
Dep. of Fund. Microbiology, Faculty of Biology and Medicine, UNIL,
Cubotron, BSP421, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
lbem.epfl.ch<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://lbem.epfl.ch__;!!Mih3wA!EgSsjtPxILdQGBLYCe6YvOsUEdERiq0QhPq_T9khPOdej8-aPP_32UVqQGh1YUX8Nm__I_Zq2QW4B9Tll2iUskEiAQTVUQc$  >
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