[3dem] Post-Doc position in cryoET at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Weiss Gregor gregor.weiss at mol.biol.ethz.ch
Fri Oct 7 04:41:29 PDT 2022

Dear 3DEM community,

we are excited to announce an open post-doc position in the Weiss sub-group within the lab of Martin Pilhofer at ETH Zürich. The Weiss sub-group focuses on host-pathogen interactions and on the direct analysis of patient sample by means of high-resolution imaging techniques.
The successful candidate will establish a workflow to apply state-of-the-art cellular structural biology techniques for the direct analysis of clinical samples. In this interdisciplinary and collaborative project, we plan to apply a variety of sample preparation methods and imaging modalities, including correlative cryo-LM/EM, cryo-FIB milling and cryoET. An ideal candidate has experience in any of the following areas: cryoEM/cryoET, focused-ion-beam applications, infection-/microbiology or clinical research.

The Weiss-sub group is embedded in the Pilhofer lab within the vibrant scientific environment at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics. At ETH Zürich, we have access to world-class imaging facilities, including three Titan Krios, two cryo-FIB/SEM instruments, a confocal cryo-light microscope as well as advanced light microscopes and computational resources.
If you are interested, please send a short motivation letter, CV and publication list by email to Gregor Weiss. I am also happy to answer any question you might have, just reach out to me.

Warm regards,
Dr. Gregor Weiss
ETH Zürich
Institute of Molecular Biology & Biophysics
Otto-Stern-Weg 5,  HPK F9.2
8093 Zürich, Switzerland

gregor.weiss at biol.ethz.ch<mailto:gregor.weiss at biol.ethz.ch> /// Weiss group<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pilhoferlab.ethz.ch/Research0/weiss.html__;!!Mih3wA!B59EToWtBg8Viqrq5UucSpRnaPj-xw23VkS9XtnIK7lvp3kR2JlPkLiOFwXmA_aNPhEkpSwJ5CR4bbQR_llDCqcG3E73DH6nEw$  > @ Pilhofer Lab<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/groups/pilhofer_group__;!!Mih3wA!B59EToWtBg8Viqrq5UucSpRnaPj-xw23VkS9XtnIK7lvp3kR2JlPkLiOFwXmA_aNPhEkpSwJ5CR4bbQR_llDCqcG3E7jUCZLwQ$  > /// +41 44 633 7378

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