[3dem] your experiences with the Gatan Oneview?

Tobias Furstenhaupt furstenh at mpi-cbg.de
Wed Mar 30 06:33:48 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues

we have bought a new Gatan OneView that works fine and suits perfectly the scientific needs. But it will come out of warrenty soon and I am wondering if a service contract would be necessary.
Therefore I was wondering what the experiences 'in the field' are: Do you have a maintenance contract and what problems did you have so far?
Our worst problems so far were failing communications and this could be fixed by a simple restart of the controller...



Tobias Fürstenhaupt, PhD 
head of Electron Microscopy 
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) 
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108 
01307 Dresden, Germany 

mail: furstenh at mpi-cbg.de 
phone: (+49) (0)351 210-2690 
cell: (+49) (0)176 / 44498706 (NEW!)

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