[3dem] Survey in planning a national ultrahigh field (UHF) NMR network

Monica Sekharan sekharan at rcsb.rutgers.edu
Fri Jul 1 13:27:51 PDT 2022

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to participate in the survey in planning a national ultrahigh
field (UHF) NMR network, with comprehensive resources and expertise, 
key areas of NSF interest, that will be accessible to the entire scientific
community within the United States. The main objective is to address the
urgent nationwide need for UHF NMR infrastructure, which is lacking in 
the US.
This goal will be achieved through the establishment of a national 
of ultrahigh field NMR facilities and an extensive NMR knowledge base of 
practices and technologies. This paradigm represents a consensus vision from
the magnetic resonance community, articulated in the 2015 NSF-sponsored
workshop “Ultrahigh Field NMR and MRI: Science at Crossroads'', and is also
strongly supported by the broader scientific community.

The first immediate step in this process is to establish science drivers and
nationwide needs in UHF NMR spectroscopy and the guiding principles for 
UHF instrumentation in strategically located facilities across the United
States. To this end, we are soliciting your input through a comprehensive
survey that is sent to the NMR and broader community. If you are already an
NMR practitioner or interested in applying NMR in your research, please fill
out this survey, it will take only 10-15 minutes of your time. We invite 
US and international participants at any career stages and any type of
institutions (academia, government, private sector) to inform us on your NMR
needs and thoughts concerning future UHF infrastructure.

Survey link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sites.udel.edu/national-uhf-initiative/uhf-survey/__;!!Mih3wA!Frhk2v8mHfC_keKEVh_yMoLQPCJUNHqIsc4d7muyGTHvpIyLXzzXou08p7SaJgPzvs4RJP2VuDmyJJ9Odh4tNr4RNKs$ 
Password: 2022UHFsurvey%

The community’s input will be scrutinized by an independent committee
comprising world-renowned scientists who have expertise in NMR spectroscopy
or/and in large-scale scientific infrastructure operation and 
management. The
committee will establish recommendations for siting of UHF network
infrastructure nodes.

We greatly appreciate your time and input in this important process. Your
responses at your earliest convenience and no later than by July 15, 2022,
will be most helpful.

If you have any questions or would like to engage in further discussion,
please do not hesitate to reach out to any of us.

With best wishes,
Tatyana Polenova, Joanna Long, Jeff Hoch, Len Mueller, Bob Powers


Tatyana Polenova, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
036 Brown Laboratories
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716 USA
tpolenov at udel.edu

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