[3dem] Cryo-ET in Munich: Last week to apply!

Ben Engel engelben at biochem.mpg.de
Sun Jan 9 03:24:26 PST 2022

Hi Cryo-EM World,

I would like to remind you about an exciting opportunity to lead an
independent research group at the Helmholtz Pioneer Campus in Munich:


The funding is great to start a new group, there is a brand-new building
for wet labs and offices, and most importantly-- there is a brand-new
cryo-EM facility being installed with an Aquilos FIB/SEM, 200 kV Glacios,
and 300 kV Titan G4 (SelectrisX / Falcon4).  The new Pioneer Campus group
is expected to help guide the facility and would have nearly unlimited
access to this state-of-the-art instrumentation.

The Pioneer Campus is looking for someone who can implement CELLULAR
TOMOGRAPHY (FIB milling, cryo-ET, image analysis).  So #TeamTomo, this is
an amazing opportunity for you.  All creative research directions are open,
but it is certainly a plus to have aims aligned with improving human
health.  The Helmholtz Munich campus has outstanding research groups
working on tissue engineering (organoids), diabetes, respiratory disease,
high-throughput -omics, and deep learning (HelmholtzAI).  So there are lots
of interesting opportunities for collaborations, especially in
bioengineering and translation to the clinic.  The Pioneer Campus staff is
also terrific and will provide you with full support in setting up and
managing your group.

Finally-- Munich is an amazing place to live.  It has been my favorite home
this last decade, and it's certainly bittersweet to leave.  The pace of
life here is perfect-- you can be successful in all your career ambitions
while still relaxing in the green, dipping your feet into the river, hiking
in the mountains, or enjoying a beer garden.

I hope I piqued your interest.  The application deadline is JANUARY 16.

Best wishes,
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