[3dem] several postdoc opportunities in Umeå, Sweden

Lars-Anders Carlson lars-anders.carlson at umu.se
Tue Feb 8 01:17:43 PST 2022

Dear all,
Several postdoctoral fellowships are available at Umeå University, 
Sweden. Application deadline 3 April.

This is a joint call between groups in two of Umeå's strong research 
areas: infection and plant biology. It's a really cool programme (IMO) 
where candidates will work on a collaborative project between 2-3 labs, 
and get to develop their own proposal for how to tackle a challenge 
broadly outlined by those groups. It is modelled on the highly 
successful EMBL EIPOD programme.

As if this were not cool enough, the programme is mentored by 2020 Nobel 
Laureate Emmanuelle Charpentier. The selected postdoctoral fellows will 
receive two-year fellowships that also include funding for consumables 
and career development.

And yes, several of the projects are likely to include cryo-EM. Umeå's 
EM facility has a Krios, Glacios, Aquilos, Leica cryo-CLEM, HPF, etc - 
and helpful staff that can introduce new people to the methods. Lots of 
other core facilities will be at the disposal of the fellows too.

You will find more info in the link below. I am co-PI on project #13, 
with bio-organic chemist Christian Hedberg as main PI.


Best wishes,

Lars-Anders Carlson
Assistant Professor
Dept of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine
Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden
Umeå University
901 87 Umeå, Sweden

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