[3dem] The correct link for EMBO Pasteur course on integrative structural biology

Michael NILGES michael.nilges at pasteur.fr
Wed Apr 6 08:09:30 PDT 2022

Dear All

Registration is still open for the EMBO / Pasteur Practical Course on Integral Structural Biology, to be hosted at Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, from July 4 to July 9.

Registration deadline is May 2, 2022.

For registration and more information please visit  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.pasteur.fr_en_education_programs-2Dand-2Dcourses_pasteur-2Dcourses-3Fid-5Fcours-3D32131&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=Zoj40BchkCUfG1cUzLYpylL2KObzis8Ul03rT_r6FPeR8Tb8oIEicTgtG0ACq_UK&s=viDy_ZgesfaLKUjQsxn22WuA7MIDjul20iCAV0GqYPc&e= 

The course is principally aimed at the mature graduate student / postdoctoral level, but applications from scientists at all levels are encouraged. The course will consist of lectures, which will give introductions into the principles and limitations of the different techniques, and practical work on data analysis with the major structure refinement / modeling programs.

Best regards


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