[3dem] Study buddies for new cryoEM textbook

Geoffrey Woollard geoff.woollard at mail.utoronto.ca
Fri May 28 08:30:08 PDT 2021

Have you heard about the new cryoEM textbook?
Glaeser, R. M., Nogales, E., & Chiu, W. (Eds.). (2021). Single-particle
Cryo-EM of Biological Macromolecules. IOP Publishing.

Is it on "the pile"?

Would you like to work through it with some study buddies?

Since November 2020, a group of cryoEM math and theory enthusiasts have
been meeting weekly online, and will study the textbook together in the
upcoming months. Please complete this poll to help choose which parts we
should focus on, and how to have effective interaction at the online

You can register for the study group here. Yesterday the 400th person
responded to the registration form.

Geoffrey Woollard
Dept of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto

PS I spent a few hours speed reading the textbook and put up a 900 word
section by section summary on my annotated math and theory bibliography

PPS - If you are an author of a chapter and would like to lead a meeting on
your chapter, please get in touch with me :) I can help make some
interesting "back of the chapter" questions to help conceptual
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