[3dem] Cryo-EM Staff Position at Vanderbilt University

Chambers, Melissa G melissa.g.chambers at Vanderbilt.Edu
Mon Mar 15 14:22:48 PDT 2021

The Center for Structural Biology Cryo-EM Facility at Vanderbilt University seeks a full-time Research Assistant to join the team.

The Cryo-EM Facility aims to advance biomedical science knowledge through high-resolution imaging and image analysis of biomolecular assemblies. The Facility's mandate is to enable state-of-the-art molecular electron microscopy experiments for all Vanderbilt investigators with biomedical research needs. This environment provides the opportunity for a motivated individual to participate in and contribute significantly toa  stimulating professional research and teaching environment at the cutting edge of structural biology.

The Facility houses 4 electron microscopes, including a Titan Krios G4 with Falcon3 and BioQuantum K3 direct electron detectors. This diverse environment is highly collaborative, working with structural biologists, cell biologists, engineers, chemists, and other University facilities with expanded electron microscopy equipment, including a Thermo Scientific Helios Nanolab G3 CX FIB-SEM with a Quorum PP3010 cryo system.

The Facility is expanding from our current work with cryo-EM and in situ cryo-ET to include new technologies and instruments such as correlative light and electron microscopy and MicroED applications. The position will be tailored to the Facility's needs and the successful applicant's previous experience and interests.  Applicants of all backgrounds who have a strong interest in becoming a cryo-EM expert will be considered.

The posted position can be found here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ecsr.fa.us2.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/job/10000269__;!!Mih3wA!RH7XSzhjswzIf-BCku2Q5QS5MnHI8wKB_ZEf_FrbsYczcSLhw2S46Lt6hSL53iF8ew$ 

Feel free to contact me <melissa.g.chambers at vanderbilt.edu> or Scott Collier <scott.e.collier at vanderbilt.edu> with any questions.


Melissa G. Chambers

Director, CSB Cryo-EM Facility

Center for Structural Biology
Vanderbilt University
RR1207 MCN
1161 21st Ave S
Nashville TN 37232


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