[3dem] Post-doctoral position at NIEHS/NIH

Mario Borgnia mborgnia at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 22:00:43 PST 2021

Position Description:

Several postdoctoral opportunities are available in the Cryo-EM Core at the
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS/NIH) under the
supervision of Dr. Mario J. Borgnia. We seek highly motivated, talented and
creative postdoctoral researchers interested in developing methods for
solving structures using cryo-electron microscopy and in applying them to a
wide variety of biological problems. The areas of interest in method
development include preparation of molecular and cellular specimens using
robotics and cryo-FIBSEM and optimization of automated methods for specimen
screening and data collection in several modalities. Although the areas of
application in collaboration vary widely, the Core has specific funding to
study the mechanism of viral entry by HIV and SARS-CoV-2.

NIEHS is located at the Research Triangle Park, a technological enclave in
the Raleigh/Durham area, North Carolina. In the four years since its
establishment, the Cryo-EM core has developed a collaborative training
environment with several groups leading to over a dozen high impact
publications.  We work closely with intramural investigators at NIEHS and
other institutes and with research groups from regional institutions
including Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
East Carolina University and North Carolina State University. This variety
of collaborations provides exposure to a diversity of biological problems.
The Core is equipped with a 200 keV Talos Arctica and state of the art
specimen preparation equipment. We are currently performing renovations for
a 300 keV Titan Krios to be installed at NIEHS during the third quarter of
2021 as part of a joint initiative with NCATS, NIA, NIBIB, and NIDA. We
also rely on collaborative support from other NIEHS cores providing access
to protein expression and purification, viral vectors, NMR, X-ray
crystallography, mass spectrometry and molecular dynamics. We have access
to extensive computational resources including High-Performance Computing
at NIH and cloud computing.

The ideal candidate will be experienced in experimental and/or
computational structural biology.

Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://molecular-microscopy.org__;!!Mih3wA!SgkZo7fw1WxSvllOMjOQ99FvruKgYZ7z2upKu6vKkiq6txGPknNHRnXWsGC4YvSbKg$ 

Suitably qualified candidates will possess a Ph.D., training in
biochemistry or biophysics and have less than 2 years of postdoctoral
experience. Previous training in structural biology is a plus.
Computational skills including programming and proficiency in Linux are
highly desirable. Proficiency in English, superior communication skills and
a demonstrated record of accomplishment are required.
To Apply:

An application package including a cover letter detailing the background of
the applicant, goals and interests; CV and the contact information for
three references should be submitted by e-mail to mborgnia at nih.gov.

*Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but preference
will be given to those received before April 15th, 2020. *

*The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and
employment programs.*
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