[3dem] Help EMBL-EBI maintain its services: articulating the value of open data

Gerard DVD Kleywegt gerard at xray.bmc.uu.se
Fri Mar 5 09:32:13 PST 2021

Dear colleagues,

As a community of structural molecular (and, increasingly, cellular) biologists 
we are fortunate to have a large collection of well-established, well-managed 
and open data resources at our disposal. (Physicists are often impressed when 
they learn that a protein structure deposited in the PDB in the mid-1970s can 
still be loaded into any molecular viewer and analysed and used as if it was 
determined yesterday.) You may have used (or deposited) structural data from 
archives such as the PDB, EMDB, EMPIAR, BMRB or SASBDB, but perhaps also 
sequence data from UniProt, chemical activity data from ChEMBL or maybe 
discovered relevant literature in PubMed or Europe PMC.

EMBL-EBI is involved in operating many of these public data resources (in many 
cases, together with international partners and as part of global 
collaborations). The institute is currently running a survey that aims to 
assess the worldwide value of the bioinformatics resources it offers.

I would like to invite all of you, as well as any other data users in your 
organisation, to participate in this survey. Your input is extremely important 
and will help EMBL-EBI maintain and develop its resources for the global 
scientific community. It would obviously be helpful to have a good 
representation of the structural biology community providing input into this 

The survey can be accessed here:


It takes around 15 minutes and closes on 31 March 2021. The results of the 
survey will be anonymised and all personal data treated as confidential.

I recognise there are many demands on your time so I would like to thank you in 
advance for your participation and input.

If you have any questions or comments about the survey please contact 
impactsurvey at ebi.ac.uk.

Many thanks and best wishes,


Gerard J. Kleywegt, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
Head of Molecular and  Cellular Structure
gerard at ebi.ac.uk pdbe.org emdb-empiar.org
PA: Roisin Dunlop    pdbe_admin at ebi.ac.uk

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