[3dem] Cryo-electron microscopy scientist

Briegel, A. a.briegel at biology.leidenuniv.nl
Fri Apr 23 02:19:39 PDT 2021

Dear cryo-EM community,

NeCEN is looking for a highly talented scientist experienced in cryo-electron microscopy who would like to contribute to the performance of an advanced cryo-EM centre at a world-class level. The main focus of this position will be to optimize and run our large volume sample pipeline.

You will maintain optimal equipment performance and collect high-quality data as part of a team, with the aim of providing optimal service to NeCEN's users.

NeCEN hosts a range of instruments such as two Titan Krios microscopes (K2 and K3 detectors), a Talos L120C TEM, an Aquilos Cryo-FIB (cryo-lamellae preparation for tomography), cryo-CLEM setup and ancillaries equipment as well as computing resources. The primary responsibility for this position is to optimize and run our large volume sample pipeline (high pressure freezer, cryo-microtome, focussed ion beam and cryo-CLEM) and assist users with the Aquilos sample preparation and Titan Krios data collection. Additionally, EM scientists at NeCEN are offered to perform collaborative research and technical development (approx. 20% of the time) to help ensure NeCEN remains at the forefront of electron microscopy.

To apply for this vacancy, please send an email to NeCEN at biology.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:NeCEN at biology.leidenuniv.nl>. Please ensure that you send your CV, cover letter, and contact details of two referees quoting vacancy number 21-180. Only applications received no later than Sunday 15 May 2021 will be considered.

Please find more information on this position here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/vacatures/2021/q2/21-180-cryo-electron-microscopy-scientist__;!!Mih3wA!THuphxohOeuI7DrT1k4orW62uErW4tlOfGIz85f9cGa46ldUUgVE2zzXiO35g8CXRg$ 

With bet wishes,
Ariane Briegel
Professor, Co-Director NeCEN
Leiden University
Sylvius Laboratorium
Sylviusweg 72
2333 BE Leiden
T: 071-527 8850
a.briegel at biology.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:a.briegel at biology.leidenuniv.nl>

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