[3dem] Two upcoming online webinars: Breakthrough advancements in Single Particle Analysis ((April 29th) and Cryo-Electron Tomography (May 19th)

Lengyel, Jeffrey jeffrey.lengyel at thermofisher.com
Thu Apr 22 07:38:02 PDT 2021

Dear all,

Please join us for TWO upcoming online webinars:

NEXT WEEK Thursday, April 29, Cryo-Electron Microscopy: membrane proteins down to atoms

  *   Stephen Brohawn, UC-Berkeley will present his research results with Krios G4 + Selectris Imaging Filter on SARS-CoV-2 membrane protein
  *   Marc Storms will introduce E-CFEG for Krios G4
  *   Abhay Kotecha will also present NEW results on 200kV Glacios + Selectris Imaging Filter

Wednesday, May 19, Turn on the lights in cryo-FIB tomography - Introducing our new integrated (in-chamber) fluorescent light microscope for Aquilos 2 cryo-FIB
Cellular cryo-electron tomography is a high-resolution technique that enables imaging of the molecular machinery of a cell at close-to-native conditions. To render cells suitable for tomographic imaging, electron-transparent regions, named cryo-lamellae, must first be prepared with a cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) microscope. These cryo-lamellae are essentially snapshots of functional cellular environments preserved in a fully hydrated state and embedded in non-crystalline vitreous ice. The process of lamella preparation has now been further developed and automated. To enable correlative imaging of vitrified samples, a new integrated light microscope has been added to the cryo-FIB microscope. Now, the correlation of signals between two imaging modalities - light and electron microscopy - within one system becomes possible. The built-in fluorescence module facilitates localization of lamella sites and makes it possible to verify whether already milled lamellae contain fluorescent targets. In this webinar we will share with you the latest developments and advances.

All sessions will have live Q&A to ask your questions.


REGISTER FOR REMAINING WEBINARS: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.labroots.com/ms/virtual-event/thermo-fisher-scientific-electron-microscopy-webinars/agenda__;!!Mih3wA!W-01oBpfwJ_TMM7gnYUWZlyPuTxr2JfmwFbDjIkS6ahBudZ1luTooZBWRsdvgg1tXQ$ 

Best regards,

Jeffrey Lengyel, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist, Electron Microscopy Life Sciences
Materials & Structural Analysis

Thermo Fisher Scientific
5350 NE Dawson Creek Drive | Hillsboro, OR 97124
Phone 503 560 9184
Jeffrey.Lengyel at thermofisher.com<mailto:Jeffrey.Lengyel at thermofisher.com>

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