[3dem] Postdoc positions in cell biology/biophysics and in situ cryo-ET

Jasnin, Marion jasnin at biochem.mpg.de
Wed Oct 21 22:17:56 PDT 2020

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for two postdocs to help us decipher the structural basis of key aspects of podosome function and mechanics. The positions are fully funded through a French-German ANR-DFG grant and can start as early as January 2021.

One position is available for three years in the Poincloux's group at IPBS in Toulouse. Renaud uses nanoscale force measurements and quantitative 3D nanoscopy to investigate the mechanisms used by cells to remodel the extracellular matrix and migrate in 3D environments (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ipbs.fr/member/renaud-poincloux__;!!Mih3wA!WFr9YpH0Ie15LLl2QfN29P6NSr9ODQ-vsLhA_nz9lpgPKsUMPWyUoWxnroJoP0tQ4g$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.ipbs.fr/member/renaud-poincloux__;!!Mih3wA!WFr9YpH0Ie15LLl2QfN29P6NSr9ODQ-vsLhA_nz9lpgPKsUMPWyUoWxnroJoP0tQ4g$ >).

The other position is available for two years in my group at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry near Munich. We employ cryo-electron tomography methodologies to visualize and quantitatively analyze the native molecular organization of actin assemblies underlying cell migration, adhesion and contractility (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.biochem.mpg.de/6343848/03_Actin_networks__;!!Mih3wA!WFr9YpH0Ie15LLl2QfN29P6NSr9ODQ-vsLhA_nz9lpgPKsUMPWyUoWxnroI8cTDt7A$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.biochem.mpg.de/6343848/03_Actin_networks__;!!Mih3wA!WFr9YpH0Ie15LLl2QfN29P6NSr9ODQ-vsLhA_nz9lpgPKsUMPWyUoWxnroI8cTDt7A$ >).

We are seeking for a postdoc with interest and experience in cell biology/biophysics and advanced cell imaging techniques, and a postdoc with a background in computation and image analysis and an interest in learning focused ion beam milling and high-resolution cellular tomography. Experience in cryo-EM/ET structure determination (single-particle or subtomogram averaging) is a plus.

For more information, please contact us at: renaud.poincloux at ipbs.fr<mailto:renaud.poincloux at ipbs.fr> and jasnin at biochem.mpg.de<mailto:jasnin at biochem.mpg.de>.

The application should include a full-length CV with a publication list, the contact information of two references and a brief statement outlining your interests and relevant experience.

We will continue to accept applications until the positions are filled.

Best wishes,
Renaud Poincloux
Marion Jasnin

Dr. Marion Jasnin
Department of Molecular Structural Biology
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried

+49 89 8578-2617
jasnin at biochem.mpg.de<mailto:engelben at biochem.mpg.de>

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