[3dem] cryoEM Scientist position at Genentech

Alexis Rohou rohoua at gene.com
Fri Oct 2 06:00:00 PDT 2020

Dear 3DEM colleagues,

Genentech's department of Structural Biology is seeking to recruit a
Scientist to join our cryoEM team. For full details and to apply, please
see the link below:


Our cryoEM team supports a large number of drug discovery as well as
research projects, and operates an on-site facility that includes two 200
keV microscopes (Talos/Ceta-D and Glacios/K2), and two Krios systems
(equipped with energy filters and K2/K3 cameras).

We'd be interested in speaking to anyone with deep expertise in cryoEM and
who is passionate about using their skills to help discover new drugs. But
we would be particularly excited to meet you if you have experience with
methods or workflow development for single particle image processing,
and/or experience with high-resolution in situ and/or tomographic structure
determination. For more details, see the link above.

A career at Genentech is an incredibly fulfilling experience if you are
passionate about your science and technology and if you love collaborating.
The research environment is superb, with very generous support for the
experiments and projects, and a welcoming, inclusive and supportive

Claudio Ciferri (ciferri.claudio at gene.com) or I (rohou.alexis at gene.com)
would be happy to answer any informal questions you may have about this
role. If you think you might be interested but you're not sure: just get in

All the best,
Claudio Ciferri & Alexis Rohou

*Alexis Rohou*
Senior Scientist
Genentech, Department of Structural Biology
1 DNA Way
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(cell) 781 249 9629
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