[3dem] Postdoc position: Mechanisms of non-coding RNAs in chromatin regulation

Dan Bose d.bose at sheffield.ac.uk
Thu Nov 12 03:35:34 PST 2020

We have a 3-year Wellcome Trust funded position to study the structural
roles and mechanisms of non-coding RNAs in chromatin regulation using
single particle cryo-EM.

You will study the molecular details of non-coding RNA interactions with
chromatin regulatory enzymes using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy
(cryo-EM) together with functional assays. Alongside cryo-EM, you will have
the chance to apply cutting edge single-molecule techniques and develop
training in mammalian cellular and molecular biology approaches. The
project is therefore ideal for scientists looking to expand their expertise
in multidisciplinary science.

Our group has been established at The University of Sheffield since 2017
and are generously funded by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship from the Wellcome
Trust and Royal Society. We are a welcoming and supportive group, forming
part of broader RNA-focused and cryo-EM research communities. We encourage
creative thinking and curiosity in our group members and aim to give you
space to explore and develop your own ideas about the project.

You can find out more about the project or apply here:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bose-lab.org/wt-postdoc__;!!Mih3wA!Qhlc_U72cOus3MJEh6iC7a8u5EmlNMW-Bgj2X1H-DYHOlAHvtdNbVkIPTb6V0zcUJg$ . For more information on our research and
facilities, please visit our group webpage (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bose-lab.org/__;!!Mih3wA!Qhlc_U72cOus3MJEh6iC7a8u5EmlNMW-Bgj2X1H-DYHOlAHvtdNbVkIPTb7LH0hPlQ$ ).

For informal enquiries contact me directly:  d.bose at sheffield.ac.uk

Daniel Bose Ph.D

Sir Henry Dale Research Fellow

Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.

Sheffield Institute for Nucleic Acids.

University of Sheffield,
Room E21a,
Firth Court, Western Bank,
Sheffield, S10 2TN,
United Kingdom.

email: d.bose at sheffield.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)114 222 2838

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