[3dem] CASP14 (Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction) Conference: Nov 30 - Dec 4

Andriy Kryshtafovych akryshtafovych at ucdavis.edu
Wed Nov 11 17:15:50 PST 2020

Following ground-breaking developments in 2018 (CASP13), CASP14 will 
present another round of exciting progress in the field. The conference 
will be virtual and will run from November 30 through December 4, 2020.

There will be a limited number of talks and discussions each day, 
lasting a total of not more than 4 hours. The session times are 
10:00AM-2:00PM (EST); 16:00-20:00 (CET). Poster breakouts and extra 
discussions will be arranged before and after the formal sessions.

The purpose of the conference is to analyze and discuss the outcome of 
the CASP14 community experiment. Assessors will report on the accuracy 
of protein structure modeling in a number of categories, including 
three-dimensional structure, structure refinement, modeling of protein 
complexes, and the ability of models to provide functional insight. Deep 
learning has already made a major impact in this field and will be a 
theme of the meeting. In addition to the assessments, there will be 
talks from modeling groups, posters, round tables, and extensive 
discussions. The program is being finalized and will be available on the 
Prediction Center website.

We hope that the conference will generate ongoing interest group 
activities. There will be a follow-up in-person meeting next summer, 
Covid-19 permitting.

Register for CASP14 using the Prediction Center website 

CASP14 organizers

John Moult, Krzysztof Fidelis, Andriy Kryshtafovych, Torsten Schwede, 
Maya Topf

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