[3dem] Postdoctoral scientist in cryo-EM of membrane proteins

Korkhov Volodymyr (PSI) volodymyr.korkhov at psi.ch
Mon Nov 9 02:53:33 PST 2020

Postdoctoral scientist in cryo-EM of membrane proteins

A postdoctoral position is available in the group of Prof. Volodymyr Korkhov (Paul Scherrer Institute & ETH Zurich, Switzerland). The postdoctoral scientist will use cryo-electron tomography and/or single particle cryo-EM to study the structure and function of membrane proteins involved in cellular signalling.

The successful candidate will have a strong background in cryo-EM: cryo-electron tomography & subtomogram averaging and/or single particle analysis, including data collection and processing. Good computing skills, expertise in cell biology or biochemistry, as well as experience with cryo-CLEM and/or cryo-FIB will be an advantage. The candidate should be highly motivated, have an interest in structural biology of membrane proteins, be able to work in a team, have good communication skills (working language is English) and hold a doctoral degree in biochemistry, molecular biology or a related discipline.

The group is located at the Laboratory of Biomolecular Research at PSI. As a member of the Korkhov group, the candidate will enjoy full access to the EM facility at PSI (Jeol JEM 2200 microscope equipped with a K2 camera) and at ScopeM, ETH Zurich (including two Titan Krios microscopes equipped with Quantum GIF, K2 and K3 cameras, as well as a range of instruments for in situ structural biology). The HPC infrastructure for image analysis is available at PSI. Additionally, the candidate will benefit from access to all shared research infrastructure and research platforms at PSI and ETH Zurich. A high standard of living, a competitive salary and opportunities for personal, professional and career development will be provided.

Applications should include a letter of motivation/statement of research interests, a CV, a publication list and details of two referees, and should be sent by e-mail to Prof. Volodymyr Korkhov (volodymyr.korkhov at psi.ch<mailto:volodymyr.korkhov at psi.ch>). Additional information about the group can be found here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.psi.ch/en/lbr/people/volodymyr-korkhov__;!!Mih3wA!T0-SIfgiEAo7UuAuvjyvZ22khljii_YnqMomYbSHjt1xsNZMCM0GAgNM_oO1xfeqyg$ .
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