[3dem] First SARS-CoV-2 TEM data available in IDR and EMPIAR

Gerard Kleywegt gerard at xray.bmc.uu.se
Fri May 1 07:38:48 PDT 2020

We are very excited to announce that the first entry containing particles of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic, is now available in EMPIAR
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://empiar.org/10404__;!!Mih3wA!UeVRSV2fWmwzUla4Q-Rn6oikO4HsXKttng-VhjhdznEzNL1xcS8yRczPqwsTJdjw2Q$ ) and IDR
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://idr.openmicroscopy.org/search/?query=Name:idr0083__;!!Mih3wA!UeVRSV2fWmwzUla4Q-Rn6oikO4HsXKttng-VhjhdznEzNL1xcS8yRczPqwupWPR1Lw$ ).

The data consists of high-resolution TEM images collected by a consortium of
researchers from the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, Erasmus MC University
Medical Center Rotterdam, and Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Their
paper was published in the journal Science today
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://science.sciencemag.org/lookup/doi/10.1126/science.abc1669__;!!Mih3wA!UeVRSV2fWmwzUla4Q-Rn6oikO4HsXKttng-VhjhdznEzNL1xcS8yRczPqwvpzX_4Kw$ )

The images show SARS-CoV-2 particle formation in a tissue model of the human
gut, potentially a significant breakthrough in understanding how the virus can
cause intestinal infections. Given the global implications of the current health
crisis and the urgent need for diagnostics, drugs and vaccines, EMPIAR and IDR
are honoured to share this important new data with the global scientific

Following on from our recent urgent COVID-19 appeal, we strongly encourage other
scientific groups from around the world to deposit their SARS-CoV-2 raw EM data
sets to EMPIAR in the hope that collaboratively we can contribute to accelerated
development of treatments and vaccines to control the current pandemic.

The data can be examined in EMPIAR and IDR using the following links:



Direct links to images:

In the near future, the underlying raw EM data produced in this study will also
be uploaded to and released by EMPIAR.

On behalf of the EMPIAR and IDR teams,

--Gerard Kleywegt, Ardan Patwardhan, Jason Swedlow

Gerard J. Kleywegt, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton, UK
Head of Molecular and  Cellular Structure
gerard at ebi.ac.uk pdbe.org emdb-empiar.org
PA: Roisin Dunlop    pdbe_admin at ebi.ac.uk

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