[3dem] carbon coating devices

Dienemann, Christian christian.dienemann at mpibpc.mpg.de
Thu Jun 4 01:19:45 PDT 2020

Hi David,

We use the ACE600 (carbon thread configuration) routinely for making thin carbon support foils. It is super simple, works like a charm and gives very reproducible results (thickness, floatability, homogeneity etc.). Foils with 2-2.5 nm thickness are no problem.

As a facility manager, I also like to point out that I basically don't need to spend much time maintaining or trouble shooting the instrument (1 day per year maybe).


Dr. Christian Dienemann
Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
Department of Molecular Biology / Cramer lab
Am Fassberg 11
37077 Göttingen, Germany

From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> On Behalf Of Morgan, David Gene
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 11:23 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Subject: [3dem] carbon coating devices


    Does anyone have experience with the Leica ACE600 carbon coater/metal sputter coater?  I am very wary of buying a dual purpose device like this as our only way to make carbon films for TEM grids, but I may be being overly cautious.  If anyone has thoughts or experiences, please let me know.

    politics is more difficult than physics.
                                             A. Einstein

            David Gene Morgan
        Electron Microscopy Center
             047E Simon Hall
             IU Bloomington
          812 856 1457 (office)
          812 856 3221 (3200)
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