[3dem] Workshop on Tomography and Subtomogram Averaging with Dynamo in Bilbao (Spain)

Daniel Castano Diez daniel.castano at unibas.ch
Tue Feb 11 07:58:45 PST 2020

Dear colleagues,

 we are happy to announce the first Bilbao Workshop on Tomography and Subtomogram Averaging with Dynamo, which will take place at the CIC bioGUNE Center near Bilbao in the Basque Country (Spain), from April 29th to 30th, 2020. 
The workshop is oriented to the introductory level, and will provide hands-on training on all practical aspects of subtomogram averaging, encompassing all stages of the pipeline: tomogram visualization and archiving, particle picking in different geometries, averaging, refinement and classification.  In addition to these core contents on subtomo processing, we will cover some generic data analysis tasks in cryo electron tomography, as alignment of tilt series, tomogram reconstruction, advanced scripting and management of large data sets. 

No previous experience is required and participants of all levels are welcome and strongly encouraged to bring along their own data. Computing infrastructure for intense numerical experiments will be provided in place.

A registration link with further information can be found at:


There is no registration fee (accommodation and travel are to be arranged by the participants), deadline is March the 15th. As we can only provide a limited number of computers, we typically accept participants on a "first come - first serve” basis. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Bilbao,

Nicola Abrescia
Daniel Castaño-Díez
Sean Connell
Marcelo Guerín
Aitor Hierro
Adriana Rojas
Iban Ubarretxena-Belandia
Mikel Valle.
Daniel Castaño Díez
+41(0) 6138 73214
Bio-EM Lab
Biozentrum, University of Basel

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