[3dem] Come work and play at the MIT CryoEM Facility

Edward J Brignole brignole at mit.edu
Mon Sep 23 19:53:00 PDT 2019

Dear 3DEM colleagues,

Please note the two advertised positions below and pass along to interested colleagues. Feel free to contact me with any questions about the open positions.

Thank you,

Ed Brignole, PhD
Director, CryoEM Facility
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

CRYO-EM SCIENTIST, to join the Cryo-EM Facility at MIT, including a Titan Krios/Bioquantum-K3, Talos Arctica, Aquilos cryo-FIB, and sample preparation equipment, Chameleon and Vitrobot.  Will be responsible for supporting the day-to-day operations and enhancing the capabilities of the facility.  The position involves extensive collaboration with MIT internal and external users for experimental design, training, experiment execution, data analysis, and development of new methodologies.  The facility is housed in MIT.nano, a new state-of-the-art building, in early days of its operation and responsibilities could evolve as the facility grows.

CRYO SAMPLE PREP AND FIB-SEM SPECIALIST, to support the operation of a state-of-the-art Cryo-EM Facility.  Will assist researchers with cryo-specimen preparation for a wide variety of samples using various vitrification and electron microscopy techniques, including a Chameleon and an Aquilos cryo-FIB/SEM.  Responsibilities include handling biological and soft materials (including polymers and nanocomposites) in preparation for imaging; developing novel cryo-specimen preparation techniques; hands-on operation and maintenance of the facility’s current and future sample prep equipment (cryo-plungers, plasma cleaners, glow dischargers, cryo-optical microscopes, etc.); hands-on operation of advanced electron microscopes; equipment oversight and support; training users on techniques/equipment and BioPrep lab safety; maintaining lab supplies/inventory; handling billing; and providing other support as needed.

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