[3dem] inquiries about data processing

Mohamed A Sayed mohamed.sobhy at kaust.edu.sa
Tue Mar 26 10:02:05 PDT 2019

If you would please advise on the following inquiries
Krios using K2 camera:
1- For super resolution images, is it better not to use binning during motion correction step?
2- In this case, does using binning on super resolution images affect the final resolution of the reconstructed 3D model?
3- Is there a range of CTF value cutoff above which I should not include data?
4- If my protein is spherical ? 17 nM in diameter, what is the suitable particle box size that I should use considering the CTF refinement later requires bigger box? what is recommended mask size?
5-How can multibody refinement be applied to a protein that is composed of a multimer of 2 subunits? or how to perform processing of a symmetric particle through subunit masking?
6-How and in which step can processed data from two different folder be combined without reprocessing all the raw images again?
7- Can data acquired at 0.51 Angstrom/pixel and 0.53 Angstrom/pixel be combined and at which step?

Thank you very much for your help and advice.?

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