[3dem] Edge bitmap curvature analysis

Glidden, George (NIH/NIAID) [F] george.glidden at nih.gov
Mon Jul 29 10:19:40 PDT 2019

Hi all,

First time posting to this list and unsure of how long / how much detail to include in the emails, so I'll keep this as brief as possible:
I've been doing work into edge inpainting approaches using information from the curvature of the existing edges to recreate the occluded or otherwise missing points.
One method I have recently developed divides edge strips - continuous lists of adjacent edge pixels without branches - into curves, split on inflection points calculated from the distance between each point and an approximated center of the strip; i.e., the inflection points of the curve of a vector-valued function. In other words, the strips are split into regions of uniform concavity - concavity relative to the strip, not to a cartesian coordinate plane.
(My definition of edge strips is based on the definition given in this publication<https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261999152_A_Fast_and_Robust_Ellipse-Detection_Method_Based_on_Sorted_Merging>, and the my scripts process the results of modified steps 1 and 2 in 2.1 Line Segment Extraction.)
Has anyone previously encountered and solved a problem like this, or otherwise, are there suggestions for better, more mathematically rigorous approaches to this problem (ones that don't rely on as much approximation)?
I'm required to list all of my github repositories privately, but I will happily individually provide access to anyone interested in this problem.

Thank you!

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