[3dem] PhD studentships at University of Leicester, UK

Panne, Daniel (Prof.) daniel.panne at leicester.ac.uk
Mon Dec 16 01:53:01 PST 2019

Dear all,
Could you please forward the following opportunities to suitable candidates?

Applications are invited for BBSRC funded PhD studentships positions in the laboratory of Prof Daniel Panne. The group studies higher–order signalling complexes that are important in gene/chromatin regulation and assembly (e.g. see Nature 2018, 562(7728):538-544). The group is part of a new Institute for Structural and Chemical Biology at the University of Leicester which has excellent access to state-of-the-art structural biology technologies.

Further particulars, including details on how to apply can be accessed online.

Deadline 6 January: http://www.findaphd.com?pj=116664<http://www.findaphd.com/?pj=116664>
Deadline 12 January: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/mibtp/pgstudy/phd_opportunities/structural_biology/gene_transcription

Thanks and all the best,

Daniel Panne
Professor of Structural Biology
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Leicester
Lancaster Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
T: +44 (0) 116 229 7408
daniel.panne at le.ac.uk<mailto:daniel.panne at le.ac.uk>

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