[3dem] SSOM Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy 2016

Cantoni Marco marco.cantoni at epfl.ch
Fri Jul 22 06:42:16 PDT 2016

Swiss Society for Optics and Microscopy (SSOM) announcement:

Taking place from October 18-21, 2016 in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
The 3rd edition of the SSOM Interdisciplinary Symposium on 3D Microscopy is an interdisciplinary symposium focused on 3D imaging and spectroscopy in science. The objective of this symposium is to create a forum for researchers with different expertise and scientific interests to present their knowhow and the techniques they use to answer their scientific questions. Methods using three-dimensional imaging and spectroscopy to retrieve data in volume will be discussed, whether "light", x-rays or electrons are used. The conference contains plenary talks and sessions with invited and contributed talks and poster sessions as well as hands-on image processing.
For further information visit the SSOM homepage ( http://SSOM.ch ) or the symposium website: http://cime.epfl.ch/3D-Symposium2016.
Registration and abstract submission is open.

I hope to see many of you in Les Diablerets,
Best regards,

Marco Cantoni
SSOM, microscopy section, vice-president
Dr. Marco Cantoni
Bat. MXC-133, Station 12
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

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