[3dem] Two new books of interest in cryo-electron microscopy

Joachim Frank jf2192 at columbia.edu
Mon Feb 10 11:22:31 PST 2014

I'd like to draw your attention to two books that have just appeared:

1. "Computational Methods for 3D Microscopy Reconstruction," eds. Gabor 
Herman and J. Frank
The chapters -- invited contributions from several speakers at a 2012 
symposium in New York --
cover computational techniques in cryo-EM, X-ray tomography and other 
topics in 3D reconstruction
related to microscopy.

2.  "Found in Translation" -- reprints of a selection of original 
articles since1969, with commentary by J. Frank

--Joachim Frank.

Joachim Frank, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator,
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
and Department of Biology, Columbia University,
650 W. 168th Street, P&S Black Building 2-221
New York, NY 10032
(T) 212 305-9510  (Masgan Saidi, admin. assistant 212 305-9512)
(F) 212 305-9500
(E) jf2192 at columbia.edu

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