[3dem] Xmipp 3.0 released

CNB, XMIPPCOURSES xmippcourses at cnb.csic.es
Tue Mar 26 10:20:34 PDT 2013

          Xmipp  3.0  released

Dear all,

The latest release of the Xmipp package (3.0) is now available for
download via: http://xmipp.cnb.csic.es

Xmipp is an open-source package for single-particle analysis, which
allows performing the entire 3DEM image processing work-flow, from
micrograph preprocessing to 3D model refinement. One
of the main achievements in Xmipp 3.0 is the concept of project, which
stores the whole processing work-flow from data import to final results.
The user interaction with the package is achieved by a graphical user
interface (GUI) from which numerous wizards can be accessed. Each
wizard provides a simple GUI assisting the user with parameter selec-
tion. In summary, in Xmipp 3.0 we have invested a lot of time
to improve the internal package design and user experience.

Please report bugs and request new features using Sourceforge website:

   have fun!

           The Xmipp Team

P.S: An Xmipp 3.0 release candidate has been made available for the
last few months. If you downloaded xmipp 3.0  before February 6th 2013
  please do it again.

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