[3dem] PyTom

Friedrich Foerster frido at salilab.org
Fri Aug 10 15:24:40 PDT 2012

dear colleagues,

i wanted to draw your attention to PyTom, our python approach to
tomogram processing. pros of our package are that it uses parallel
processing, scripting in python is easy, and web-based GUIs exist for the
most-common tasks (particle identification, subtomogram averaging, and
subtomogram classification; more info: Hrabe T, et al. (2012) PyTom: a
python-based toolbox for localization of macromolecules in
cryo-electron tomograms and subtomogram analysis. J. Struct. Biol.
178(2):177-188). Moreover, the package contains a hopefully useful
tutorial in html format and test data is available for download.


General Information:

Best regards

Friedrich Foerster

Dr. Friedrich Foerster
Max-Planck Institut fuer Biochemie
Am Klopferspitz 18
D-82152 Martinsried

Tel: +49 89 8578 2632
Fax: +49 89 8578 2641


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