[3dem] Situs and EMAN2

Steven Ludtke sludtke at bcm.edu
Wed Jul 27 06:45:07 PDT 2011

After the flurry of recent discussions on how to use Situs and interconvert files (it was an EMAN user who was asking), I'm
pleased to say nightly snapshots of EMAN2/SPARX now support writing Situs files directly. If anyone
has any problems with this capability, please just let me know and we'll take care of it.

Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co-Director National Center For Macromolecular Imaging
Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.
Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke at bcm.edu
stevel at alumni.caltech.edu

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