[3dem] Situs and CCP4 / MRC formats

Willy Wriggers wriggers at biomachina.org
Tue Aug 16 21:39:19 PDT 2011

After the recent posts on how to use Situs with programs such as EMAN2 /
SPARX that use CCP4 or MRC file formats, I'm happy to announce that Situs
now reads CCP4 or MRC map formats directly. This eliminates the file
conversion step in CCP4- or MRC-based work flows. 

There are subtle differences between various CCP4/MRC formats which are
handled gracefully. A detailed documentation can be found here:

The classic Situs map format continues to be supported because it still
offers some benefits as noted in the documentation. The format selection is
completely transparent (automatic recognition on input, based on the file
extension on output, i.e. Situs for .sit or .situs, CCP4/MRC otherwise).
Additional map formats such as SPIDER can be converted using the Situs
map2map tool, as before.

If you have a moment take a look also at other recently added Situs features
at http://situs.biomachina.org. Questions or comments are welcome!


Willy Wriggers

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