[3dem] Powdered carbon fiber (summary)

Terje Dokland dokland at uab.edu
Tue Sep 14 07:17:03 PDT 2010

Thanks to all for helpful advice regarding the powdered carbon fiber  
sample, which has helped alleviate my concerns. To summarize:

1. Most people don't think carbon powder would be a major problem  
(it's essentially the same material as carbon film is made from  
anyway). And conversely, materials scence people are more concerned  
about biological samples :)

2. One suggestion was to suspend the carbon in a solvent like hexane  
and apply to the (glow-discharged) grid, followed by blotting and  
drying. That would seem to ensure that whatever is left is then  
adsorbed to the grid.

3. Observing at low temperature should alleviate any outgassing of  
the sample.

4. Use a sandwich grid, if necessary. (In light of other comments, it  
sounds like this won't be necessary)

Thanks again!

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