[3dem] GPU implementation of 3D projection matching in SPIDER

Joachim Frank jf2192 at columbia.edu
Fri Mar 19 07:45:46 PDT 2010

GPU implementations of 3D projection matching presents an extraordinary 
challenge since costly I/O needs to be minimized but, on the other hand, 
large data chunks need to be shared.  Ryan Bubinski in our group, 
working with Hstau Liao, has achieved a speedup of 104-fold, and has 
reported the implementation at the recent Hybrid Meeting in Lake Tahoe. 
 We are currently testing the GPU implementation and aim to interface it 
with SPIDER.  The software will be distributed with SPIDER once we have 
a publication in press.


Joachim Frank, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator,
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
and Department of Biology, Columbia University,
650 W. 168th Street, P&S Black Building 2-221
New York, NY10032
(T) 212 305-9510
(F) 212 305-9500
(E) jf2192 at columbia.edu

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