[3dem] Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy, Oxford U Press

Joachim Frank jf2192 at columbia.edu
Wed Jun 16 06:10:28 PDT 2010

It has come to my attention that the softcover edition of my book has 
been reprinted with vastly inferior quality, and is sold by Oxford U 
Press at the same price as the original.  I have contacted OUP trying to 
resolve this issue, and hope there is a way for people who purchased the 
trash copy to trade it in for the real thing, or be reimbursed.  I'll 
keep you up to date.


Joachim Frank, Ph.D.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator,
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,
and Department of Biology, Columbia University,
650 W. 168th Street, P&S Black Building 2-221
New York, NY10032
(T) 212 305-9510
(F) 212 305-9500
(E) jf2192 at columbia.edu

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