[3dem] PDF with 3D models

Eduardo Sanz-Garcia esanzgar at chem.byu.edu
Thu May 22 07:18:13 PDT 2008

Today, I was reading a correspondence in Nature 
(http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v453/n7194/full/453450d.html) that 
talks about the PDF capabilities of displaying 3D models. It is possible 
to rotate, and zoom in and out the 3D model from inside the PDF viewer 
(you can see some examples here: http://www.3dhh.de/3d-PDF/index-en.htm).
I was wondering if there is any cryo-EM package that allows to save 3D 
models in PDF format. I don't know if this is even possible. Maybe too 
many vertex are necessary to represent accurately a cryo-EM isosurface, 
and the final PDF file would be too big. How about atomic coordinate models?
I would like to open a discussion about the usefulness of this concept 
in our field. Would you like to read a paper and be able to rotate, zoom 
in/out the figures (I don't even know if there is possible to include 
several 3D model in the same PDF and along with normal test). I know 
that cryo-EM models and PDB files are always included as a supplemental 
material, but sometimes it is difficult to display the same area, you 
lose coloring, labels, etc. Superfluous, necessary, imposible, the 
future? The end of stereographic images? More work for authors?
Your comments...

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