[3DEM] FSC Fourier Shell Correlation program available NOW!

Marin van Heel m.vanheel at imperial.ac.uk
Wed Jun 21 10:19:27 PDT 2006

The Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) is the standard resolution
curve for three-dimensional reconstructions of single particles.  

A free download of the FSC program is now available from: 
http://www.imagescience.de/fsc <http://www.imagescience.de/fsc>.

This distribution is supported by a grant of the European Union: FP6 / 
NOE http://www.3dem-noe.org/. <http://www.3dem-noe.org/>

This version of the IMAGIC FSC program is presented with a Java 
Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Conversions from 3D data formats other than IMAGIC are possible through 
the "import" option
which uses the EM2EM universal EM converter.

 It was shown in a recent paper (van Heel M., Schatz M:* *Fourier Shell 
Correlation Threshold Criteria,* */
J. Struc. Biol./* *151 (2005) 250-262.), that all fixed value threshold 
criteria like *
"0.5" *or* "0.143"*, are *incorrect*! 

The better resolution threshold curve is the *½-bit curve* which is now 
generated by the
FSC programs. The program also plots the classical 3-sigma criterion 
indicating at
which resolution one has collected data significantly above the 
background noise level.

Moreover, the program takes into account all factors that influence the 
FSC curve
including: pointgroup symmetry of the structure and its size within the 
reconstruction volume.

Have fun!

Marin van Heel


       Marin van Heel

       Professor of Structural Biology

       Division of Molecular Biosciences
       Faculty of Natural Sciences
       Imperial College London
       Biochemistry Building
       South Kensington Campus 
       London SW7 2AZ,        UK
       Tel:	   + 44 (0)20 7594 5316
       Fax:	   + 44 (0)20 7594 5317
       Priv.tel.   + 44 (0)20 8286 4248  

       e_mail: m.vanheel at ic.ac.uk
       and:    Osnat Lipson <vanheel.office at ic.ac.uk>
       web:    www.cbem.ic.ac.uk

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