EM tech at NYSBC

David Stokes stokes at saturn.med.nyu.edu
Fri May 7 08:59:28 PDT 2004


The New York Structural Biology Center (http://www.nysbc.org) seeks
a Technician for their high-end, state of the art facility in
Cryoelectron Microscopy.  The facility will include three cryoelectron
microscopes at 200, and 300 kV as well as ancillary equipment required
for the three main cryoEM applications: tomography, single-particles,
and crystallography.  The facility will be used by in-house research
groups and by investigators from a consortium of ten New York
academic research institutions on a broad range of biological targets.

The appointee will be supervised by the Scientific Director and the
Technical Director of Cryoelectron Microscopy and will assist
investigators both from the NYSBC laboratory and from affiliated
institutions.  In particular, the appointee will provide training and
support to users in preparing samples, in using the electron
microscopes, in digitizing and analyzing images.  A variety of
strategies will be used for sample preparation, including rapid
freezing, negative staining and sectioning both of frozen tissue and
of tissue embedded in plastic.  A variety of data collection
strategies will be employed, all designed to produce 3D molecular
structures.  Thus, this is an exciting opportunity to learn modern
methods in electron microscopy on the very latest instrumentation.

Send a curriculum vitae including a summary of research experience and
technical skills, together with names and addresses of three
references to David Stokes, at stokes at nysbc.org.

David L. Stokes
Skirball Institute, NYU Medical Center
tel: 212-263-1580
New York Structural Biology Center
tel: 212-939-0660 x116
fax: 646-219-0300

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