[3dem] 3 cryo-EM facility positions at Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging, Glasgow, UK

James Streetley James.Streetley at glasgow.ac.uk
Wed May 29 04:11:20 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

A small reminder of the open positions we have here in Glasgow, UK. There is now just under a week to apply as the portal will close at 23:45 UK time on 4th June. All details are below and I am happy to take any questions via email.

Best wishes,

Dr James Streetley

SCMI Facility Manager
Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging
Sir Michael Stoker Building
464 Bearsden Road
G61 1QH
United Kingdom

+44 141 330 2161 (office)
+44 141 330 7495 (microscope suite)

From: James Streetley <James.Streetley at glasgow.ac.uk>
Date: Wednesday, 8 May 2024 at 10:52
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>, CCPEM at JISCMAIL.AC.UK <ccpem at jiscmail.ac.uk>
Subject: 3 cryo-EM facility positions at Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging, Glasgow, UK
Dear colleagues,

The Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.gla.ac.uk/research/az/cvr/facilities/scmi/__;!!Mih3wA!DInKjfISJsj_8KxCh3cXpvJl9JM4ImGPMxkUm8goI2febq-KBLuqeHMNRghcnnxqxmo0ohkLCrwJZWZzCinY15C9sbBJ9lqIADU$ > (SCMI) is Scotland’s national cryo-EM facility, based at the University of Glasgow. Using our JEOL CRYO ARM 300 with Direct Electron Apollo and DE-64 detectors, we provide cryo-EM access to consortium members and external partners across Scotland. We also run a sample preparation lab and microscopes for specimen screening for local use.

Thanks to additional investment in the facility by the University of Glasgow, we are looking to recruit three support scientists to work with our users and develop the facility.

Glasgow is often listed as one of the top cities in the world<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.timeout.com/things-to-do/best-cities-in-the-world*30.:*:text=DrimaFilm*20/*20Shutterstock.com-,30.**AGlasgow,-What*20makes*20us__;I34lJcKgJSU!!Mih3wA!DInKjfISJsj_8KxCh3cXpvJl9JM4ImGPMxkUm8goI2febq-KBLuqeHMNRghcnnxqxmo0ohkLCrwJZWZzCinY15C9sbBJyrx3Urw$ > and is especially known for its friendliness. In addition to the benefits of living in a vibrant city with rich heritage, our location on the west coast of Scotland gives great access to the Scottish countryside including the highlands and islands.

Senior Cryo-EM Support Scientist
Grade 7 (£39,347-£44,263), open-ended contract

These roles will focus on user training and support, setting up data collections and further development and optimisation of the facility.
This post is eligible for visa sponsorship.
Full details and application portal: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://my.corehr.com/pls/uogrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=145750__;!!Mih3wA!DInKjfISJsj_8KxCh3cXpvJl9JM4ImGPMxkUm8goI2febq-KBLuqeHMNRghcnnxqxmo0ohkLCrwJZWZzCinY15C9sbBJFSZCodo$ 

Senior Cryo-EM Data Scientist
Grade 7 (£39,347-£44,263), open-ended contract

This role will be to provide expert assistance to users with their data processing tasks and manage the user experience post-acquisition: pre-processing, data delivery and eventual archiving.
This post is eligible for visa sponsorship.
Full details and application portal: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://my.corehr.com/pls/uogrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=145749__;!!Mih3wA!DInKjfISJsj_8KxCh3cXpvJl9JM4ImGPMxkUm8goI2febq-KBLuqeHMNRghcnnxqxmo0ohkLCrwJZWZzCinY15C9sbBJ5tH6S-8$ 

Cryo-EM Support Scientist
Grade 6 (£32,332 - £36,024), open-ended contract

This role will manage operations in our sample preparation lab with a view to providing imaging support as the postholder’s experience grows.
This post may be eligible for sponsorship under the skilled worker visa, if the applicant can use the new entrant tradeable points scheme.
Full details and application portal: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://my.corehr.com/pls/uogrecruit/erq_jobspec_version_4.jobspec?p_id=145751__;!!Mih3wA!DInKjfISJsj_8KxCh3cXpvJl9JM4ImGPMxkUm8goI2febq-KBLuqeHMNRghcnnxqxmo0ohkLCrwJZWZzCinY15C9sbBJ7OxMtG0$ 

All positions are eligible for relocation assistance where appropriate.
The closing date is 4th June, 23:45.

I am happy to take any questions via email but please note applications must go through the University’s portal to be considered.

Best wishes,

Dr James Streetley

SCMI Facility Manager
Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging
Sir Michael Stoker Building
464 Bearsden Road
G61 1QH
United Kingdom

+44 141 330 2161 (office)
+44 141 330 7495 (microscope suite)
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