[3dem] Announcing the New PDBx/mmCIF User Guide

Justin Flatt justin at rcsb.rutgers.edu
Tue Jun 18 09:20:29 PDT 2024

  [1]_Benefits of the PDBx/mmCIF ecosystem_

We are excited to announce the launch of a detailed PDBx/mmCIF File 
Format User Guide [1].

As the foundation for depositing, annotating, and archiving structural 
data across diverse experimental techniques, the Protein Data Bank 
Exchange macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework 
(PDBx/mmCIF [2]) stands as the master format of the Protein Data Bank. 
Our user-friendly guide offers detailed explanation and examples of 
essential PDBx/mmCIF records, aimed to facilitate a smooth transition to 
this format for depositors and users alike.

The wwPDB anticipates that all four-character PDB IDs will be exhausted 
by 2028, after which 12-character PDB IDs will be issued. Entries with 
extended PDB IDs will not be compatible with the legacy PDB file format 
and will only be available in PDBx/mmCIF format. wwPDB encourages users 
to transition to the PDBx/mmCIF format as soon as possible.

  [1]_Example PDBx/mmCIF record of a 12-character PDB ID_

We invite all users to participate in a brief survey [3] (accessible 
from the PDBx/mmCIF File Format User Guide [1]) to share feedback on 
this guide by December 15, 2024. Your feedback will greatly contribute 
to future developments.

[1] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mmcif.wwpdb.org/docs/user-guide/guide.html__;!!Mih3wA!FrNLNX30enaU4Lll6UMpO7cFUOVV7ld8pwLRb1wHTNyi9i8ajx1w-VN2K6D7kMoGWNBpV6vdniNyHqviNZ9qH8RU$ 
[2] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mmcif.wwpdb.org/__;!!Mih3wA!FrNLNX30enaU4Lll6UMpO7cFUOVV7ld8pwLRb1wHTNyi9i8ajx1w-VN2K6D7kMoGWNBpV6vdniNyHqviNc_Y6qG0$ 
[3] https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ebusbrMCmLbB0WO__;!!Mih3wA!FrNLNX30enaU4Lll6UMpO7cFUOVV7ld8pwLRb1wHTNyi9i8ajx1w-VN2K6D7kMoGWNBpV6vdniNyHqviNUUTlNGx$ 
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