[3dem] Post-doctoral fellowship to develop novel biological sample carriers for Cryo-CLEM @Institut Pasteur Paris

Anna SARTORI-RUPP anna.sartori-rupp at pasteur.fr
Wed Jul 24 02:44:00 PDT 2024

Post-doctoral fellowship to develop novel biological sample carriers for Cryo-CLEM
Job Description
A Post-Doctoral/Engineer position is available for a highly motivated candidate to work on the development of a novel biological sample carrier for 3D cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy pipelines. The candidate will work under the supervision of Matthijn Vos<mailto:matthijn.vos at pasteur.fr> and Anna Sartori-Rupp<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://research.pasteur.fr/en/member/anna-sartori-rupp/__;!!Mih3wA!BZOZWXgyrvmJE_AGe40eOHxEGa5Y9KXx8MbYOe70yFWXIOQ9M94LbNJ6YbMsc5TeS5sYIydNzMxgidFPUpZzGi3SThViZ0Jn$ > at the NanoImaging cryo-EM core facility<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/team/nanoimaging/__;!!Mih3wA!BZOZWXgyrvmJE_AGe40eOHxEGa5Y9KXx8MbYOe70yFWXIOQ9M94LbNJ6YbMsc5TeS5sYIydNzMxgidFPUpZzGi3STgoa_Qrv$ > of Institut Pasteur in Paris.
This technological project will be carried out in a stimulating multidisciplinary environment, between the imaging and cytometry facilities of Institut Pasteur and the R&D departments of external companies. The candidate will have full access to cutting-edge optical and cryo-electron microscopy and cytometry infrastructure and expertise. The cryo-EM facility<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/research.pasteur.fr/en/team/nanoimaging/__;!!Mih3wA!EbsICSRLyrtcXIGAuLMMmAT19-Q7zCsXCMGMx_pFR8UryVDST6laqt9VIZLGEJi8OIOAIAoiP2Kh0xIYjCNBd1togRLaogiG$> of Institut Pasteur features state-of-the-art instrumentation upgraded to the latest standards for single particles and cellular studies. These include: a Titan Krios G3i Cryo-TEM equipped with a cold FEG, a SelectrisX imaging filter and a Falcon4i direct electron detector and phase plates, two Glacios with Falcon4i direct electron detectors and one with Selectris energy filter and Ceta-D camera for MicroED analysis, an Aquilos2 cryo-FIB/SEM system with cryo-lift-out and iFLM module, a Leica cryo-light Thunder Imager EM cryo-CLEM microscope & a Leica cryo-Stellaris confocal system. All TEMs are upgraded with FFI.
The successful candidates should have a PhD degree as well as documented experience in one, or several of the following fields: cell biology, structural biology, light and electron microscopy.  Previous experience with FIB/SEM, photolithography or cytometry would be beneficial.
The candidate should be able to establish a link between researchers and imaging specialists at Institut Pasteur and R&D engineers from external companies and possess excellent interpersonal and scientific communication skills. We are looking for someone with a strong motivation in addressing technological challenges. A genuine enthusiasm for methods development will be a fundamental parameter in the choice of the candidate. Fluency in written and spoken English is essential.
Job Offer
The full-time position is available starting in October 2024 for a period of 1.5 years funded by the DARRI and Institut Carnot "Pasteur Microbes & Health" grant from Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. Salary and social benefits will be in accordance with the regulations of Institut Pasteur. Benefits include comprehensive healthcare coverage for the fellow and their family, and 8 weeks paid annual leave. The Institut Pasteur is in the centre of Paris, it has multiple state of-the-art facilities and constitutes a vibrant research community with 13 Departments across the Biology/Physics/Biomedical fields.
To apply, please send your complete application to matthijn.vos at pasteur.fr<mailto:matthijn.vos at pasteur.fr> and anna.sartori-rupp at pasteur.fr<mailto:anna.sartori-rupp at pasteur.fr> including:

  *   A cover letter, including a summary of your research experience and your suitability for the position
  *   A CV, including personal contact details, education, professional experience and a list of publications
  *   Contact details of three referees.
Applicants wishing to know more about the project are welcome to contact:
matthijn.vos at pasteur.fr<mailto:matthijn.vos at pasteur.fr> and anna.sartori-rupp at pasteur.fr<mailto:anna.sartori-rupp at pasteur.fr>, for further information.

Links to the webpages:

https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://research.pasteur.fr/fr/member/anna-sartori-rupp/__;!!Mih3wA!BZOZWXgyrvmJE_AGe40eOHxEGa5Y9KXx8MbYOe70yFWXIOQ9M94LbNJ6YbMsc5TeS5sYIydNzMxgidFPUpZzGi3STlYPfL6u$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/research.pasteur.fr/fr/member/anna-sartori-rupp/__;!!Mih3wA!EbsICSRLyrtcXIGAuLMMmAT19-Q7zCsXCMGMx_pFR8UryVDST6laqt9VIZLGEJi8OIOAIAoiP2Kh0xIYjCNBd1togaN-VUgS$>





Anna Sartori-Rupp<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://research.pasteur.fr/en/member/anna-sartori-rupp/__;!!Mih3wA!BZOZWXgyrvmJE_AGe40eOHxEGa5Y9KXx8MbYOe70yFWXIOQ9M94LbNJ6YbMsc5TeS5sYIydNzMxgidFPUpZzGi3SThViZ0Jn$ >
NanoImaging Core Facility - NCF
Institut Pasteur | Nocard Building 55 | 25 rue du Dr Roux | 75015 Paris, France
+33 (0)1 45 68 87 10<tel:+33145688710>;  +33 (0)7 72 25 86 91 | mobile  | sartori at pasteur.fr<mailto:sartori at pasteur.fr>
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