[3dem] Health Technology Innovations to Demonstrate CryoFASTT Enabled Gatan Solution at M&M Conference 2024

tuan at hti.ai tuan at hti.ai
Wed Jul 10 13:55:52 PDT 2024

Health Technology Innovations to Demonstrate CryoFASTT Enabled Gatan
Solution at M&M Conference 2024

Health Technology Innovations ( https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.hti.ai__;!!Mih3wA!Bh_Gwgj20d1m_QpfrvrexRz_zquEyE4VeE3s6i3PHDyaN5y_ctf91yWmrgjtLMZdh2Cu-gVMp06cQg$  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.hti.ai__;!!Mih3wA!Bh_Gwgj20d1m_QpfrvrexRz_zquEyE4VeE3s6i3PHDyaN5y_ctf91yWmrgjtLMZdh2Cu-gVMp06cQg$ >  ), a leader
in AI accelerated Cryo-EM sample screening and data collection, will
demonstrate its collaboration with Gatan to deliver seamless integration
with Cryo-EM scopes from different vendors with Gatan cameras. The
demonstration will showcase how CryoFAST technology is ready for lab
deployment. The demonstration underscores ongoing collaboration between the
companies to fully take advantage of artificial intelligence to automate
data collection and speed up structure determination, an important step in
drug discovery. With pressure on drug developers to optimize preclinical
research and manage costs, autonomous data collection adds efficiency
providing scientists more time to discover. The demonstration will be held
at M&M 2024 on Thursday, August 1st at 10:30-11:30 am in Gatan's meeting
room MR1555 with limited seating available. Pre-register by email at
tuan at hti.ai <mailto:tuan at hti.ai>  to secure your place.

 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mmconference.microscopy.org/__;!!Mih3wA!Bh_Gwgj20d1m_QpfrvrexRz_zquEyE4VeE3s6i3PHDyaN5y_ctf91yWmrgjtLMZdh2Cu-gW7I1Z6AQ$ > 

Microscopy  <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mmconference.microscopy.org/__;!!Mih3wA!Bh_Gwgj20d1m_QpfrvrexRz_zquEyE4VeE3s6i3PHDyaN5y_ctf91yWmrgjtLMZdh2Cu-gW7I1Z6AQ$ > & Microanalysis 2024

mmconference.microscopy.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://mmconference.microscopy.org/__;!!Mih3wA!Bh_Gwgj20d1m_QpfrvrexRz_zquEyE4VeE3s6i3PHDyaN5y_ctf91yWmrgjtLMZdh2Cu-gW7I1Z6AQ$ > 



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