[3dem] 2 postdoc positions in cryo-EM/cryoET in the Paulino Lab, Heidelberg, Germany

Batista Paulino, Prof. Dr. Cristina cristina.paulino at bzh.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Aug 23 01:12:40 PDT 2024

Dear cryo-EM aficionados,

The Paulino Lab is seeking TWO highly motivated and versatile postdoc with extensive experience in cryo-EM and/or cryo-ET to join us in Heidelberg, Germany.

Project 1 (collaborative cryo-EM/cryo-ET platform, reminder of former email):
The successful candidate will be part of the technology platform of a newly granted German collaborative research center SFB/CRC 1638 entitled ‘Cellular remodeling – how changing form creates function’, composed of several groups within the Heidelberg University, EMBL, Max-Planck Institute, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Heidelberg Medical Faculty and the University of Mannheim.
The collaborative technology platform (Z-project), supervised by Cristina Paulino (https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.paulinolab.com/__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQVFQbcGs$ ) and Petr Chlanda, aims at utilizing cryo-EM and cryo-correlative approaches to study membrane remodelling events. The candidate will be involved in several projects, by enabling cryo-EM SPA and cryo-ET methodology to support and drive projects within the CRC and will further develop and optimize methods specifically focused on membrane biology.
Application deadline: 1st of October 2024
Earliest Start: 1st of November 2024 (however this is flexible as the right candidate is more important than the starting date, so just apply!)

Project 2 (cryo-ET on presynaptic active zone):
The successful candidate will be part of the transregional collaborative research center TRR/CRC 186 on ‘Molecular Switches in the Spatio-Temporal Control of Cellular Signal Transmission’ conducted between research centers in Heidelberg and Berlin. Specifically, the postdoc will be working on a collaboration with the group of Stephan Sigrist from the free university of Berlin, where we aim to combine super-resolution microscopy with cryo-ET data to obtain a deeper understanding of the presynaptic active zone scaffold architecture.
Application deadline: 1st of November 2024
Earliest Start: 1st of December 2024 (however this is flexible as the right candidate is more important than the starting date, so just apply!)

Job offer:
In both cases, the initial contract will be for a full-time position for two years with the possibility of extension. Salary is set according to the E13 German public pay scale, including several social benefits. The position will be based in the PaulinoLab at the Heidelberg University Biochemistry Center (BZH) and closely integrated within our cryo-EM network and fully-equipped technology platform HdcryoNet, offering a collaborative environment with experts in membrane biochemistry, biophysics, and structural biology.

The environment:
Key values of the intercultural and international Paulino lab are communication and a motivating and supportive atmosphere where we foster a fascination for science and the unknown. As a leader, I take great pleasure in mentoring and supervising my trainees, where alongside several career deveoplment programs (e.g. heiTRACKS) I help in guiding your next steps and support your personal and professional growth.
The Heidelberg university and surrounding research institutions are renowned for their scientific excellence, collaborative environment and state-of-the art technology, which provide the perfect setting for innovation, networking and professional advancement. They are embedded in the historic and picturesque city of Heidelberg, where you will experience a vibrant international and intellectual community with a high quality of life.

Applicants should hold a PhD and have extensive experience in cryo electron microscopy of biological samples. They should be confident and experienced in sample preparation, the operation of high-end microscopes, data collection and image processing for single particle analysis and/or cryo-electron tomography. Experience in cryo-FIB/SEM or CLEM is beneficial but not required. The ideal candidate should have joy in method optimization/development and a collaborative mindset and posses excellent organizational, interpersonal and scientific communication skills.

How to apply:
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, including a summary of your research experience and your suitability for the position, a CV and contact details of two referees to cristina.paulino at bzh.uni-heidelberg.de<mailto:cristina.paulino at bzh.uni-heidelberg.de>.

Looking forward to your application

Useful links:
Paulino Lab-Link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.paulinolab.com/__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQVFQbcGs$ >
HDcryoNet<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/en/research/research-profile/fields-of-focus/field-of-focus-i/cellnetworks-core-technology-platform-cctp/hdcryonet__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQoqfMZ1E$ >
BZH<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bzh.db-engine.de/__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQmljJNeA$ >
PetrChlandaLab-Link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/zentrum-fuer-infektiologie/virologie/forschung/forschungsgruppen/chlanda-lab__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQU8TGwBw$ >
SigirstLab-Link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bcp.fu-berlin.de/en/biologie/arbeitsgruppen/genetik/ag_sigrist/forschung/hintergrund/index.html__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQb9wwDzE$ >
Visit_Heidelberg<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.heidelberg.de/english/Home/Visit.html__;!!Mih3wA!HjSfF3MbTIMw2t0s_HryvYxjoeccaitoBUabvfvhK0tsKkno5-MEALmInFP7ons4eUOoZY2dTVqVVgi4ECFsG9eyP72klqUv1ORQ22AVhJ8$ >

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