[3dem] 2 weeks left to apply! - 'Wellcome-MRC Cryo-ET Sample Preparation Workshop 2024'

Malone, Lorna (DLSLtd,RAL,LSCI) lorna.malone at diamond.ac.uk
Thu Aug 15 03:08:10 PDT 2024

Dear 3D-EM Community,

Just 2 weeks left to apply for an in-person place on our ‘Wellcome-MRC Cryo-ET Sample Preparation Workshop 2024’ at Diamond Light Source, UK .

Course Dates: 14th - 18th October 2024
In-Person Application Deadline: 31st August 2024
Registration for the hybrid stream online: Opens mid-September

This course, part of the cryo-EM Wellcome/MRC training programme, is designed for students and postdocs interested in using cryo-ET and cryo-FIB for their research. It includes lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practicals covering sample preparation, FIB milling, lamella preparation, data collection and processing with a special workshop on STA in RELION5 by CCP-EM.

For more details, and to apply for in-person spots, please visit the event webpage<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.diamond.ac.uk/Instruments/Biological-Cryo-Imaging/eBIC/Training/Courses-and-workshops/2024-EventsCW/Wellcome-MRC-Cryo-ET-Sample-Prep-Workshop-2024.html__;!!Mih3wA!FX-wqqXrIVGVyZkPGLbGk9U3V_lxELz4PDqt_RTYt-JrT-m9haGX_7detoegckH-9BENEQ9YUiduArQiBml-kZBd12xxDaI$ >. Further details for registration for the lectures online will be available in September.

For any enquiries, or if you are interested in sponsoring this event, please contact the eBIC training coordinator at lorna.malone at diamond.ac.uk<mailto:lorna.malone at diamond.ac.uk>

We look forward to seeing you at Diamond in October!

Best wishes,

Lorna Malone (she/her)
Electron Microscope Scientist & Training Coordinator

Phone: +44 1235 394182

[Logo, company name  Description automatically generated]
electron Bio-Imaging Centre (eBIC)
Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0DE

eBIC website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.diamond.ac.uk/Instruments/Biological-Cryo-Imaging/eBIC.html__;!!Mih3wA!FX-wqqXrIVGVyZkPGLbGk9U3V_lxELz4PDqt_RTYt-JrT-m9haGX_7detoegckH-9BENEQ9YUiduArQiBml-kZBd_FKQW4E$ >

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