[3dem] job advertisement

Louis M. Mansky mansky at umn.edu
Wed Aug 14 11:11:14 PDT 2024

Hello all,

*Research Assistant Professor*

*Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy*

*University of Minnesota*

The University of Minnesota is seeking an experienced cryo-transmission
electron microscopist for a Research Assistant Professor position in the
Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics who will work
in the Characterization Facility (CharFac), which houses a variety of
transmission and scanning electron microscopes in addition to other
biological and advanced materials characterization instruments. New
acquisitions include a cryo-electron transmission microscope (cryo-TEM;
Glacios 2) and a cryo-focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope
(cryo-FIB-SEM; Aquilos 2). The applicant should have expertise in cryo-TEM
maintenance, high-resolution cryo-TEM imaging, specimen preparation, and
interpretation of results from TEM. Knowledge in and experience with
cryo-FIB-SEM and biological applications of cryo-TEM is highly desirable.
The successful candidate must be able to support a variety of
cryo-TEM-related activities, both independently and in collaboration with
users ranging from those seeking the services of an expert microscopist
(i.e., researchers with minimal cryo-TEM understanding) to those seeking
training to become independent cryo-electron microscopists. The job
includes substantial TEM management (instrumentation and user base) as well
as training aspects, as the CharFac has a long history of training and
mentoring students and postdocs to use state-of-the-art materials
characterization instrumentation. Ideal applicants will possess a Ph.D. in
biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology, virology, biophysics,
physical sciences, engineering, or equivalent knowledge and
experience. Expertise
in cryo-TEM maintenance, high-resolution cryo-TEM imaging, specimen
preparation, and interpretation of results from TEM is required. The
successful applicant will have opportunities beyond their support duties to
pursue their own independent research.

In addition to the specific technical criteria of a cryo-TEM microscopist,
the following attributes are sought:

   1. Ability to interface well with industrial personnel including both
   proprietary analytical services and scholarly collaboration (e.g., via an
   industrial consortium).
   2. Strong interest in (a) sample preparation; (b) data analysis; and (c)
   authoring reports, application notes, scholarly publications and user
   training materials.
   3. Interest and aptitude for developing new analytical methodologies.
   4. Enthusiasm for public presentation including workshops, short courses
   and symposia.

Please submit your application, consisting of your cover letter, curriculum
vita, and the names and contact information for 3 references to
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hr.umn.edu/Jobs/Find-Job__;!!Mih3wA!B_8vESOtfn87JNt3Gd1x8ttv36-w4QGeHR2TZS_Ybc9GRK7KRQ836VnIIBvG9w6EPvkOcoBldKPTlTxOcQ$ , for Job ID 363926, addressing your cover
letter to:

Cryo-TEM Microscopist Search Committee

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

University of Minnesota

6-155 Jackson Hall

321 Church St. SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Direct inquiries about the position can be made to:

Louis Mansky, Ph.D., Search Committee Chair

Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopist Recruitment

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics

Email: mansky at umn.edu
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