[3dem] Postdoctoral Associate -- Murray Lab at the University of Connecticut

Dylan Murray dylan.thomas.murray at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 06:46:45 PDT 2024

The Murray Lab in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the
University of Connecticut is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to join our
team in the investigation of biomolecular condensates. The laboratory uses
a variety of experimental biophysical tools to investigate the microscopic,
atomic resolution, underpinnings of functional and pathogenic protein and
nucleic acid assemblies at macroscopic length scales. A successful
candidate will join our growing research team and lead two research
projects pertaining to the molecular mechanisms of biomolecular assembly
for RNA granule proteins and intermediate filament proteins. The position
is NIH-funded (R35GM142892).

The Murray Lab is excited about our recent relocation to UConn and is
looking for an eager individual to join our team and expand our research
operations at the new location. We have exciting new results that are not
formal preprints, but will be described during a potential interview. Some
of our published work is linked below.

RNA Granule Proteins:




Intermediate Filament Proteins:




The Murray Lab has access to cryo-electron microscopy instrumentation
through the recently installed Tundra microscope at UConn Health and nearby
Titan Krios equipped facilities like the NYSBC national center. UConn is
home to a wide range of other core facilities for biophysical
characterization. Access to high-field NMR instruments for solid and
solution state samples at UConn Storrs and UConn Health. Magic angle
spinning instruments include the installation of a 700 MHz with several
room temperature probes this fall and an installation of an additional 700
MHz spectrometer with a cryogenic MAS probe in 2025. Solution state
instruments include 800, 600, and 500 MHz spectrometers with cryogenic

*Minimum Qualifications:*

-       Ph.D. in Biophysics or related field (e.g. Chemistry, Physics,
Molecular Biology)

-       Demonstrated ability to lead a research project

-       High research productivity level

-       Strong written and oral communication skills

-       Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills

*Preferred Qualifications:*

-       Experience with either NMR, cryo-electron microscopy, or
crystallography to characterize protein structure and/or dynamics at atomic

-       Experience handling proteins prone to biomolecular condensation

-       Experience using prokaryotic or eukaryotic microorganisms to
produce recombinant proteins in milligram-scale quantities at exceptional

-       Experience analyzing and presenting scientific data with a
programming language like Python

*Appointment Terms:*

The position is a full-time, 12-month appointment. The position is
renewable annually based on performance, budget, and departmental needs.
The pay scale is consistent with the NIH guidelines and the collective
bargaining agreement governing postdoctoral researchers at the University
of Connecticut.

*To Apply:*

Send a cover letter explaining interest and fit for the position, along
with a curriculum vitae and contact information for three professional
references to dylan.murray at uconn.edu. Provide PDF copies of manuscripts
submitted or in progress if desired. Review of the applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position is filled. Successful
candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
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