[3dem] Postdoc opportunity for cryo-ET at Case Western Reserve University

Shiwei Zhu sxz966 at case.edu
Wed Apr 3 09:23:58 PDT 2024

Dear 3DEM community,

The Zhu Lab at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine is
actively seeking motivated doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.

The Lab primarily investigates the interaction between bacterial pathogens
and host cells, utilizing various microscopy techniques to study the in
situ structure and physiological function of antimicrobial protein

Currently, *the lab focuses on the development of cryo-electron tomography
(cryo-ET) technology and its application in the field of innate immunity*.
Both research areas are in their early stages and hold great potential. For
example, cryo-ET was used for the first time to capture the in situ immune
regulation of antimicrobial proteins through liquid-liquid phase separation
(Nature 594, 424–429 (2021)). The cryo-ET also revealed the unique
conformational recognition of pathogenic bacteria by immune proteins,
inducing host cell pyroptosis (Science 383, 965 (2024)).

The lab has direct access to state-of-the-art equipment, including *cryo-CLEM,
Aquilos-2 cryo-focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope, and Titan
Krios transmission electron microscope.*

We invite passionate doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to join
our team. You will have the opportunity to develop and utilize various
imaging techniques, including cryo-ET and high-resolution fluorescence
microscopy, to unravel host cell defense mechanisms and the adaptive
strategies employed by pathogens within host cells.

Applicants for postdoctoral positions should hold a Ph.D. in one or more of
the following fields: biochemistry, biophysics, microbiology, or cell
biology. Interested applicants, please email Dr. Zhu (shiwei.zhu at case.edu)
with a cover letter outlining your research interests, your latest CV, and
contact information for two academic referees. For further insights into
our lab and ongoing projects, please visit our website at
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.shiweizhulab.org__;!!Mih3wA!BiDPeXA4U3PfAeBUPZF3zYQRoevTUHshzRNv6UNaD6AbPuEGqQHomNS7126wzTvzsCarDoUBQJocrRnF7A$ .

Shiwei Zhu,  Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine, Robbins Building E621
Email: shiwei.zhu at case.edu
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