[3dem] CryoEM Current Practices Roundtable 12/14/2023

Christina Zimanyi czimanyi at nysbc.org
Tue Nov 21 10:05:00 PST 2023

Dear all,
The NIH Transformative High Resolution CryoEM Program service centers will be hosting a special roundtable discussion in December as part of our CryoEM Current Practices webinar series.

Time: Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 9 AM pacific / 12 PM eastern time
Topic: Do you see what I see?

A panel of staff from the National Center for CryoEM Access & Training (NCCAT), the Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center (PNCC), and the Stanford SLAC Cryo-EM Center (S2C2) will put their collective well-trained eyes on micrographs for a conversation around common pathologies, some ideal and not-so-ideal micrographs, and images submitted from the community.

Our target audience is novice practitioners and newcomers to single particle analysis, but all are welcome to join the conversation. If you have images that have been confusing you and you’d like us to include them in our discussion, you can submit them ahead of the roundtable via a link on our webpage (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.cryoemcenters.org/events/*cryoEM-webinar__;Iw!!Mih3wA!BAW0tTpSZtrv8ASVCrKY5aUSdZTOhoRVbA7KSZZsPxR7OMMh1X2-769VswwP6TaVZuBDtqMg8WUOlhTHSU_p$ ).

Registration is at no-cost, but sign-up is required:

Because our target audience is cryo-EM newcomers, we may not be reaching them through this list. We’d appreciate if you could forward this announcement to any colleagues just starting to use cryo-EM or who are cryo-EM curious.

Best regards,
National Center for CryoEM Access and Training

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