[3dem] One week left: Vacancy - Senior Cryo-EM Support Scientist, University of Glasgow, UK

James Streetley James.Streetley at glasgow.ac.uk
Thu Apr 7 10:30:40 PDT 2022

Dear colleagues,

I hope you will forgive a gentle reminder of this vacancy for a Senior Cryo-EM Support Scientist at the Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging, Glasgow, UK.

As below, the role will be to deliver training and user support across all our instruments and to help implement new imaging methods/workflows to push our machines even further in delivering quality data to users.

The vacancy closes in 1 week - 14th April at 23:45 UK time: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__my.corehr.com_pls_uogrecruit_erq-5Fjobspec-5Fversion-5F4.jobspec-3Fp-5Fid-3D081667&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=_K_TdAqubg0F5aZSY0-viSRaM2xZpvYrSR4j73-RpT1VeZi53ZOHH61IhELiN3xB&s=3HDWG9KvamZgw7ls8gMo-qLGaHYa_rYy3tg3SQonjlc&e= 


Dr James Streetley

SCMI Facility Manager
Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging
Sir Michael Stoker Building
464 Bearsden Road
G61 1QH
United Kingdom

+44 141 330 4025 (office)
+44 141 330 7495 (microscope suite)

On 18 Mar 2022, at 17:30, James Streetley <James.Streetley at glasgow.ac.uk<mailto:James.Streetley at glasgow.ac.uk>> wrote:

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a Senior Cryo-EM Support Scientist to join us in Glasgow, UK.

The role will be to deliver user training for negative stain and cryo-screening, to operate our CRYO ARM for users, and to implement new imaging methods for us to offer to users. Techniques that we wish to implement and offer include microED, cryo-STEM, imaging of FIB-milled lamellae and use of the phase plates.

The SCMI has a well equipped sample preparation lab for negative stain and cryo sample preparation including a Vitrobot and Leica EM GP 2. We have three modern JEOL cryo-TEMs; a 1400 Flash for negative stain and initial cryo, an F2-Cryo with cold FEG and DE-20 direct detector for cryo-optimisation and initial data collection and a CRYO ARM 300 with DE-64 direct detector for single particle and tomography data collection.

The position is currently funded until June 2023 and applications will be open until 14th April. For full details and to apply, visit the application portal: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__my.corehr.com_pls_uogrecruit_erq-5Fjobspec-5Fversion-5F4.jobspec-3Fp-5Fid-3D081667&d=DwIFAg&c=-35OiAkTchMrZOngvJPOeA&r=L7-zyQ-04fFCMRqzLIOnx7H0exGZHwIQe_wMPuY600I&m=_K_TdAqubg0F5aZSY0-viSRaM2xZpvYrSR4j73-RpT1VeZi53ZOHH61IhELiN3xB&s=3HDWG9KvamZgw7ls8gMo-qLGaHYa_rYy3tg3SQonjlc&e= 


Dr James Streetley

SCMI Facility Manager
Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging
Sir Michael Stoker Building
464 Bearsden Road
G61 1QH
United Kingdom

+44 141 330 4025 (office)
+44 141 330 7495 (microscope suite)

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