[3dem] PostDoc position DNAorigami and cryoTEM, France

Gaetan Bellot gaetan.bellot at cbs.cnrs.fr
Wed Nov 4 23:13:09 PST 2020

Dear all,

	I would like to bring your attention to the open postdoctoral position 
at the Centre de Biochimie Structurale in Montpellier, France ( 
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cbs.cnrs.fr__;!!Mih3wA!R1yD0LmUNIAVFpmsd-QSV-SaThXIqBJvDDktU2JiGg2Sd7ZSzjmM6yD4C70viRA-Yw$  ). This will be a full-time, 34-months appointment 
focused on the development and implementation of new DNA nanotechnology 
based tools for protein structural biology. The project is funded by The 
French National Research Agency and will be carried out under the 
supervision of Gaëtan Bellot. We are seeking a highly motivated 
candidate with expertise in Biochemistry and Structural Biology, ideally 
in the area of Electron Microscopy, with a keen interest in applying 
this knowledge to Membrane Biology. Our EM facility hosts a 200 keV 
microscope equipped with energy filters and direct electron detector. In 
addition, a 120 keV microscopes will be available soon for screening.
	Specifically, our laboratory develops functional DNA origami 
nanodevices. You will develop two main projects: i) Structural analysis 
of membrane protein (G-Protein Coupled Receptors) by single particle 
electron microscopy. This work is part of an ongoing collaborative 
research projects with the team of Sebastien Granier at IGF, Montpellier 
( https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.igf.cnrs.fr/index.php/fr/h-teams-__;!!Mih3wA!R1yD0LmUNIAVFpmsd-QSV-SaThXIqBJvDDktU2JiGg2Sd7ZSzjmM6yD4C70eQ5bAEA$  fr/h-granier-fr ). ii) 
New DNA-based nanostructures methods for biophysics studies and 
structural elucidation of proteins by Cryo-Electon Microscopy.

	Applicants must have a Ph.D. and should have a strong background in 
Biochemistry/Chemistry or in Biophysics/Structural-Biology. Experience 
in the field of Cryo-Electon Microscopy is highly desirable.
	Candidates should send an inquiry with CV and have one or two 
references send letters of recommendation to gaetan.bellot at cbs.cnrs.fr


Gaëtan Bellot, Ph.D. INSERM
gaetan.bellot at cbs.cnrs.fr

Centre de Biochimie Structurale


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